Consumer Residential Opt-In EmailsAll Records have Emails & All Emails are Unique(This insures that all your results will have an email address) Example: if you enter "piano" in the box, it will find all emails addresses with "piano" embedded in it somewhere. There are no spaces or commas in an email address. Just enter letters, numbers, '@', '_', '-' or periods '.' |
| | |
Low End of Income Range: |
High End of Income Range: |
(This is for exact matches only. It will slow query down considerably) |
(Ex.: "Hurley" would match only Hurley, not HURLEY OR hurley) |
From this Date:This Must be an Earlier Date than the One to the Right. |
To this Date:Leave this one alone if you want to select all records up to the present. |
Option I Option Il Option Ill |