Consumer Residential Opt-In Emails

All Records have Emails & All Emails are Unique

Geographic Search Parameters
Search By Country

Clicking on the name of a country, state or province will check that box too.

*Selecting US, Canada or Both will override any State or Province selection below.

Search By US States and/or Canadian Provinces
US States

Canadian Provinces
Search By US Counties
Select one or more US STATES FIRST, then click right button for all the counties, Not valid for Canada.
Avoid the following "Counties" search option if you are searching for a specific State, Country or just one or a few Municipalities within a State.

Search By City Names
City names that are common to multiple States will give you the data count for each City in every State selected. Also, city name spellings are not consistent and the USPS city/town names do not always jibe with the actual town the resident is in, especially in sparsely populated rural areas. Zip codes & county names are a lot more accurate way to get the right geographical matches..
Separate the city names with commas, spaces...

Use the Zip Codes or SCF Codes specific to the City and it's Metropolitan area for the Best Results.

Search By US Zip Codes Choose Only One Zip Code Option from Below:
Zip Code Options l & ll:
Input Individual 5-digit US Zip Codes

Paste Your Zip Codes Here

The zip codes can be separated by spaces or any non numeric character like a comma. All non-numeric characters will be stripped out. Only the first 5 digits of the zip code are used. There is a 25000 character limit.

Sub-Option I

Sub-Option II

Zip Code Option lll:

United States Zip Code Based SCF Look Up

Will Find all the Zip Codes in a region based on the first three numbers of the Zip Code, like '011' will give you all the zips in the Springfield Mass area. The US Census Population of the SCF region is the last number.
Selecting an SCF will exclude all Canadian Data

(NOTE: Hold the Control key down to select more than one SCF Region)
Zip Code Option lV:

Radius Search from US Zip Code:

(For a radius distance up to 250 miles)

Zip:   |  Miles: NOTE : Selecting a US Search Radius will prevent you from searching by City, County or the 3 other Zip searches.
Email Address Search
(This insures that all your results will have an email address)
Example: if you enter "piano" in the box, it will find all emails addresses with "piano" embedded in it somewhere. There are no spaces or commas in an email address. Just enter letters, numbers, '@', '_', '-' or periods '.'

Unique Values Requirement Get Unique Street Addresses and Phone Numbers

Choose Any or All of the following search options:

Everything Below is Optional.
TelephoneNumbers Search: (Optional) Enter the area code and exchange of the phone # as a string w/o any spaces, like 203233. Separate them by at least a space. Note: At least a 3 Digit Area Code is required. This search option can take a considerable time, especially if multiple states and many area codes and exchanges are entered. There is a 100 partial phone number limit.

Select Gender: (Optional)
 |   | 

Select a Household Income Range: (Optional)
For US Addresses Only, Will Exclude Canadian Data
Low End of Income Range:
High End of Income Range:

Search by the Source Website that the Record Came From: Search by Website (URL)

Input A Web Address, Domain Name or URL, partial ones, words, etc are ok.
No spaces or commas

Normally these fields below are filters, or the records selected are only those that will match ALL the parameters you selected. However if you check the box below, then you will get records that match ANY of the parameters you selected

But the checkboxes inside the Interests, Email Domains and Ethnicities groups are always ORed. Or you will get both "Germans" & "Finnish" or "Airline Tickets" & "Automobiles " if you checked more than one box in any of those sets.

following ethnicity section is ONLY to be used when you wish to restrict your query results to just the ethnicities selected.
The more of these check boxes that you check off, the more you will add to the number of records.
Name Searches:

Search By Last Name:

150 Name Limit

Enter you last names Separated by Semi Colons ;

(This is for exact matches only. It will slow query down considerably)

(Ex.: "Hurley" would match only Hurley, not HURLEY OR hurley)

Enter an Age or Age Range: (Optional) Caution: By choosing an age parameter you substantially reduce the available record pool to pull data from because only 5% of the records have a date of birth. But all records are of adults!!!
In other words, if there are 200 million records in the database only 10 million have ages to query.

If you want an exact age, use only the left dropdown box.
If you want a range of ages, select the lower age in the left dropdown box & the higher age in the right dropdown box.

Date of Birth: (Optional)

Select any of the three to Obtain an Exact or partial Date of Birth, Even for People Born on a particular day or month

/ /
Select Any of the Three or All

Select Records Based Upon Owning or Renting Their Home: (Optional)
 |   | 

Select Records Based on Their Opt-In Date: (Optional) Include in only records that have opted-in from an earlier date back to a later date.
From this Date:

This Must be an Earlier Date
than the One to the Right.
To this Date:

Leave this one alone if you want to
select all records up to the present.

Obtain Records That Are New to the Database on Repeated Queries: (Opt.) To obtain new records to supplement your previous query/download. Repeat the same query parameters, then enter the date of your previous download below.
/ /

Select At Least the Month & Year

Select Interest Groups, From 1 to All: (Optional)

Interest Groups

SELECT * FROM `tblInterestLU` ORDER BY `Interest` ASC ;Access denied for user 'apache'@'localhost' (using password: NO)

The more of these check boxes that you check off, the more you will add to the number of records.
Click Here to Show Interest and ID relationships or Download the File

Email Domain Include OR Exclude Searches (Optional)
Out Of Thousands of Email Domains, like, in Our Database
These are the 62 Most Common Email Domains
Option I
Option Il
Option Ill

Email Domains:

The more of these check boxes that you check off, the more you will add to the number of records.
Check Record Count
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